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DNA-e – Revelation Panel Prep (1L)

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6 in stock


Revelation Panel Prep also know as the “Polishing Policeman” removes all polish residue, oils, and dust from painted vehicle surfaces revealing the true state of the surface. After a thorough wipe down with Panel Prep, the true condition of polished surfaces is revealed and ready for final inspection before applying a ceramic coatings, waxes or sealants.

Easily removes all surface oils or filling agents and old waxes, revealing the true state of a surface.
Use of Panel Prep cleans surfaces completely, ensuring optimal bonding of coatings, waxes and sealants

  • Work on a cool surface out of direct sunlight.
  • Spray on to the surface or onto a  Pearl weave microfibre towel and wipe down the painted surface.
  • Do not over apply or allow the product to dry on the surface.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 kg


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