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WaxedShine – Titanium T+SiO2 Coating (50ml)

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SKU: WSTS50 Category: Tags: ,


T+SiO2 is a Silica and Titanium oxide hybrid coating. Utilizing both ingredients creates a hard, glossy and hydrophobic surface helping prevent UV damage, fallout bonding to the surface, chemical resistance, easy cleaning as well as adding scratch resistance. Maintained, T+SiO2 will last up to 2 years and can be layered.


1) Shake well before use.
2) Always wear gloves and a mask when installing a ceramic coating.
3) Using the suede applicator and block, apply 8 drops to the applicator.
4) Spread across the surface using a crosshatch pattern working in a 2 sq ft area.
5) Observe for the rainbow effect (Flashing) and wipe the surface using a new, scratch free microfiber until slick and clear to view.
6) Check for any residue left very carefully and remove straight away. Observe the suede application and swap out if needed.
7) Once finished, wait a minimum 1 hour before applying a second layer. Max 2 layers is recommended for best durability.
8) Maintain using Si02 based spray sealant. Keep surface dry for a minimum 24hrs and do not wash for 7 days to allow full cure time.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


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